Dr. Daniel Z. Lieberman, psychiatrist, university professor and bestselling author is coming to Romania for the first time
and will hold a conference on “Dopamine and How The Brain Works”. This topic is the subject of his book
The Molecule of More, translated into 16 languages, including Romanian.
Daniel Z. Lieberman, Doctor of Medicine, professor and vice chair for Clinical Affairs in the Department
of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at George Washington University. Dr. Lieberman received an award for research and has published dozens of
reports on behavioral science, he provides counselling on psychiatry issues to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy.
Published in our bookstores in 2019 under the name “Dopamine”, the book was a great success and have answered
many questions, including:
Why almost all diets fail? Why do we get bored of the things we want once we get them?
Why does love move so quickly from passion to indifference?
At the conference Dr. Lieberman will present the most important ideas from the book and science-based recommendations that can change life for the better.
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