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The Sanctuary by The Inner @ Untold 2023


Sound & Silence with Gong & Tibetan bowls with Avi and Bogdan

16:00 - 17:00

Since the dawn of civilisation Sound has been a widely used tool to connect with the mind and also a bridge to transcend the mind. In this Yoga session you will be guided with Sound as you will go through movements and stillness.

Breathwork & celebration with Avi

17:00 - 17:30

Breath is the essence of life, yet we hardly pay attention to how we breathe. This session will be about how to use breath to enhance health and wellbeing.

Relax & Rejuvinate with Gong & Tibetan bowls with Avi and Bogdan

17:30 - 18:00

Our deeper wellbeing is proportional to our ability to rest. It’s only in deep restful state our body goes through repair and healing. This session will give you the first hand experience of how to cultivate a deep state of relaxation within. You will be guided all throughout will Sound of the gongs and tibetan bowls.

Vedic Art hands-on intro (Principles 1)

18.00 - 19:00

Meditative session/mindfulness with Cătălina Marinescu (Yoga temple)

18.00 - 19:00

Gentle session focusing on enhancing our awareness practicing meditative breathwork exercises and slow Chi movements. At the end of the session you will feel light and grounded with a clear mind.
No previous experience required.

Awaken Inner Movement with Cristina Tănăsescu (performance artist)

19:00 - 20:00

This workshop invites you to come back home to your heart through your body, to surrender as you’re remembering how it feels to be safe in your own skin

A reminder to ground yourself in pleasure, to let your roots grow stronger in love and trust. A reminder to play more and to set yourself free from taking life too seriously. To smile at yourself and welcome yourself home, in your mind, body and soul. To welcome yourself with everything that you are, seen and unseen, told and untold, felt and not felt.
The world wants you raw, playful, truthful, let your free spirit teach you the way through your body.

African drumming by School of Drums and Hearts

20:00 - 22:00


Yoga Capsule for wellbeing with Avi

16:00 - 17:00

Being busy part and parcel of modern life. Here in this yoga session you will learn how to make Yoga soluble in spite of the busy lifestyle. There is more to Yoga than postures. You are invited to explore that in this session.

Breath Work & Burnout management with Gong & Tibetan bowls with Avi & Bogdan

17:00 - 17.30

Breathing has so much to offer to alter our neurophysiology. This Yoga session will focus on how to use breathing practices to deal with Burnout. Some simple take away yogic tools will be shared which when practices will induce deep state of restfulness.

Relax your mind practicing Yoga Nidra with Gong & Tibetan bowls with Avi & Bogdan

17.30 - 18:00

Yoga Nidra is an versatile yogic technique. Apart from inducing relaxation to the practitioner, it also act as a potent too to reprogram our subconscious mind. Learn in this session how to do the practice to install new software in your mind.

Vedic Art hands-on intro (Principles 2)

18.00 - 19:00

Himalayan Breathwork for expanding consciousness with Cătălina Marinescu (Yoga Temple)

18.00 - 19:00

At the center of this practice is Cosmic Breath, a practice meant for connection and expansion. Most of the practice will be seated exploring many flavours of breaths. Only requirement to be open for exploration.

Awaken Inner Movement with Cristina Tănăsescu (performance artist)

19:00 - 20:00

“This workshop invites you to come back home to your heart through your body, to surrender as you’re remembering how it feels to be safe in your own skin.

A reminder to ground yourself in pleasure, to let your roots grow stronger in love and trust. A reminder to play more and to set yourself free from taking life too seriously. To smile at yourself and welcome yourself home, in your mind, body and soul. To welcome yourself with everything that you are, seen and unseen, told and untold, felt and not felt.
The world wants you raw, playful, truthful, let your free spirit teach you the way through your body.”


Yoga for Busy people with Avi

16:00 - 17:00

There are some Yogic practices which we all can carry in our back pocket. They are handy and effective to manage stress and the various demands of a busy lifestyle. You will learn how you can offer yourself a wholesome yogic practices, under 15 mins.

Breath Work & Inner Silence Meditation with Gong & Tibetan bowls with Avi & Bogdan

17:00 - 17.30

Deep meditative state can be achieved without forcing the mind to be still. This session is about that. How to effortlessly meditate. You will have companionship of the Gong bath in this session.

Emotional healing - Yoga Nidra - with Gong & Tibetan bowls

17.30 - 18:00

Music has healing powers. Sounds combined with yoga nidra will be the guiding force in this session. You will experience how Yoga Nidra is used to get in touch with various emotion and how safely to release them from somatic dimensions,

Art workshop with the Amazonian painter Samy (for kids)

18.00 - 19:00

Vedic Art hands-on intro (Principles 3)

18.00 - 19:00

Ecstatic Dance session with Irina and Lucian

18:00 - 19:30

Kirtan concert & sound healing with Punnu Wasu

20:00 - 22/23:00

Immerse yourself in the sacred ocean of Kirtan alongside the harmony master and vocalist Punnu Wasu and enjoy a unique concert featuring various styles of Indian music!
Kirtan is a form of devotional singing with roots that stretch back thousands of years in India. It is a form of Bhakti Yoga (the yoga of devotion), and these ancient songs (mantras) are energetic sound formulas that carry a powerful transformative healing energy.
Punnu’s musical style is a blend where the East meets the West – Indian fusion. The concerts he leads often start with a slow, meditative tempo and build up to a catharsis with lively rhythms.


Yoga nidra session (non sleep deep rest) with Alex Voinea (Yoga Temple)

17:00 - 18:00

Session focuses on relaxing the body with soft movements followed by a 30 min guided meditation for profound tranquility. Yoga/meditation experience is not needed.
Do you know how to sleep? That’s the only thing you “need”.

Vedic Art hands-on intro (Principles 4)

16:00 - 18:00

Ecstatic Dance with Dj Yoyo

18:00 - 20:00

Kirtan concert & sound healing with Punnu Wasu

20.00 - 22:00

Immerse yourself in the sacred ocean of Kirtan alongside the harmony master and vocalist Punnu Wasu and enjoy a unique concert featuring various styles of Indian music!
Kirtan is a form of devotional singing with roots that stretch back thousands of years in India. It is a form of Bhakti Yoga (the yoga of devotion), and these ancient songs (mantras) are energetic sound formulas that carry a powerful transformative healing energy.
Punnu’s musical style is a blend where the East meets the West – Indian fusion. The concerts he leads often start with a slow, meditative tempo and build up to a catharsis with lively rhythms.

The Sanctuary by The Inner @ Untold 2023


Procedura înscriere ateliere pentru posesorii de Harmony Pass

  1. Achiziționează abonamentul Harmony Pass.
  2. Vei primi pe mail cupoanele corespunzătoare celor doua ateliere cuprinse în abonamentul tău Harmony Pass.
  3. Cupoanele asigură 100% reducere la un atelier la alegere fiecare care va avea loc sâmbătă, 8 iunie sau duminică 9 iunie.
  4. Intră pe site-ul nostru, fii sigur că ești logat în contul cu care ai făcut comanda și accesează pagina de “Ateliere”.
  5. Alege atelierele care ți se potrivesc cel mai bine în fiecare zi.
  6. Adaugă-le în cos si introdu codurile de reducere primite in email în secțiunea dedicată cupoanelor de reducere.
  7. Plasează comanda.

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