Yoga with affirmations cu Denis Dochioiu

Acest eveniment s-a incheiat

About workshop

In this workshop we will explore the affirmations and how they can help us to reprogram our subconscious establishing clear intentions and directions through which we can make happen everything we planned to do. Also, we’l understand how we can better manage our emotions throughout various techniques of yoga.

About facilitator

Denis Dochioiu is a Conscious Living Teacher, meaning she guides you to you, teaching you to live consciously.
For the past 8 years, she has traveled all over the world (India, Bali, Europe) to study and experience the ancient practice of yoga.
She founded Life Yoga Center, a place of healing and evolution and she has more than 6 years experience as yoga trainer in Romania and India.
She studied Management and Law working in a company until a few years ago when she decided to quit her job and travel to India to find the true purpose of her life, studying yoga and meditation in different ashrams and academies.
The last period she was dedicated to the study of psychotherapy, somatic release and trauma, organizing workshops, retreats and online programs, creating an appropriate environment for growth and transformation throughout the wisdom and experience of yoga practice.
She writes inspirational articles for various publications and her personal mission is to support, encourage and empower all those who want to grow and evolve to live an abundant and joyful life.
Any belief you have inside, in one way or another, life will prove you right. Check your beliefs, work with yourself and create memorable experiences.

Denis Dochioiu


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