Conscious circular breathing workshop with psychologist Claudia Găgeanu

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About Workshop

Claudia Gageanu, psychotherapist and breathwork facilitator will introduce us at The Inner – Mapping inside 2022 in conscious circular breathing.

This workshop involves a group session of about 1 hour and a half of conscious circular breathing (the fourdation of holotropic breathing,

rebirthing or shamanic breathing), followed by a space for integration through art and communication.

In this workshop, a safe and protected environment will be created for everyone to experience in-depth inside the soul towards healing

the body and the mind and expansion of consciousness.

This type of breathing is like a boat that passes us from one shore to the other: from the daily normal state of consciousness

to a deeply meditative, receptive state. Through conscious circular breathing we can access and release unconscious blockages and tensions

from the body and mind and we can be open to the truth buried deep inside us. Therefore, the steps we take day by day in real life become

more coherent,more authentic, more clear.

Because some sequences involve intense feelings this workshop is not for people suffering from

epilepsy, cardiovascular disease, glaucoma, retinal detachment or who are currently undergoing psychiatric treatment.



About facilitator

Claudia considers herself a very curious being and open to experience, which has brought her over the years in contact with

many opportunities for learning and expansion of consciousness.

She has been working since 2016 as a psychotherapist certified by the College of Psychologists, and since 2021 she has been a certified facilitator of

therapeutic breathing (breathwork). She divides her days between therapy sessions, individual sessions of conscious circular breathing or teaching meditation.

Get inner peace by practicing conscious circular breathing with Claudia Gageanu at The Inner- Mapping inside


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