Internal psychodrama and sound therapy workshop
Have you ever noticed that when an intense desire arises, you immediately feel fear? And if you don’t feel it, does your brain scan for what could go wrong and what effort do you need to put in to put the wish into action? I invite you to a workshop on decoding fear, where you can understand what it tells you about yourself and how you can use it to your advantage to take the right actions for you.
I have gone through dozens of fears in recent years, experienced them intensely, sometimes even “with a twinge”, fuelled by what was around me and the sometimes lack of contact with my resources. I’ve been through the fear of childbirth, the fear of holding my children on the stairs, the fear of running out of money, the fear of war, I’ve been afraid in pandemics. I still encounter fear many times today, even though I am told from the outside how strong I am. In my psychotherapeutic work, I have encountered this subject by working directly with my deepest fears.
In this workshop, for 3 hours we will put into practice 3 theoretical concepts related to internal psychodrama (in what roles we learned fear, especially in the first part of life), the ESPERE method (what is the fear-dorance dynamic), and sound therapy (the scientifically proven effects of planetary gongs). Planetary gongs are a complementary method to somatic therapy, with which I have had successful results with the adults and children I have worked with. In this practical workshop you will have the opportunity to understand how your subconscious has encoded (micro)traumas as daily (or specific) fears.
About facilitator
Irina Gruia, is the mother of two children and the “psychodramatic mother” of many psychodrama students and graduates. Her first therapy group meeting was in 2006 and since then, more than 16 years she has moderated thousands of hours of group and individual therapy. Irina challenges herself with everything new and interesting, with different methods of therapy that “challenge her patterns” and that she can then offer to the people she works with. She has attended training schools both in Romania and abroad and is involved in community work around her city and beyond, leading numerous therapy and self-discovery groups.